(Taxes not included)
What to do if I need to cancel my appointment?
If you have made an appointment online, you can cancel it directly in your appointment reminder.
If you have made an appointment by email or phone, contact me directly. We will postpone the appointment time at your convenience.
If the cancellation is made within 24 hours of the appointment, a fee of $25 will be charged.
How should I dress for the appointment?
For osteopathy, it is better to have flexible and tight-fitting underwear or short and camisole. Avoid legging and long shirt, as this prevents contact with the skin.
For Pilates, you will need sports clothes and socks.
Is there gift certificate?
Yes, if you would like to purchase a gift certificate, please contact me and we will personalize the certificate for the person of your choice.
Is it normal to have pain after the session?
It is possible and we should not worry about it. In general, one can feel tired and feel the sensitive area for a few days. On the other hand, if the pain intensifies and does not subside after 3 days, please write to me and we will discuss the possibilities of action together.
What should we do after the session?
In general, it is suggested to continue your activities normally but to avoid excess. Conscious movement and good hydration are important keys to integrating new body information and recovering well after the session.
Is there parking?
There is no dedicated parking lot for the clinic.
That said, there is paid parking a few minutes walk away, 5039 Rue Saint-Dominique, Montreal, QC H2T 1V1. To use this parking you will need to download the app Clicknpark (if you don’t have it), create a file info for your car, then the app will give you all the near-by parking spot available.
You can find as well free parking on St-Joseph Blvd and metered parking on Saint-Denis Street.
The space is located two steps away of the Laurier metro station.
Does my health insurances covers the fee?
It depends on the type of private insurances you have.
I will provide receipts for the osteopathic service from RITMA osteopaths association and the privates pilates service from ANQ (Association des naturothérapeuthes du Québec)